PTIHE encourages responses to previous articles and essay reviews of important books in the field. 

Preparation for Submission

Technical and Stylistic Requirements: For the editorial process to begin, all submissions must meet the following requirements:

1. Typed copy: Submit typed, double-spaced copy with numbered pages, using one inch margins on all sides.
2. Length: Responses to previous articles and/or Essay Reviews of important books should not exceed 3,000 words, including charts and tables (built in MS Word or Pages), references, and footnotes. The inclusion of charts, tables, and images should be avoided unless they substantively add to the content or clarity.
3. Title Page: On the title page, indicate the following--title of paper; full name(s) of author(s), author titles and institutional affiliations, postal addresses, phone numbers, fax numbers, and email addresses. Also, provide a full citation of the article to which you are responding or the book that you are reviewing. Please indicate the main corresponding author we can be in touch with about your submission.
4. Stylistic Requirements: Manuscripts submitted to PTIHE must be grammatically correct and stylistically consistent. PTIHE uses the Chicago Manual of Style, sixteenth edition, specifically Chicago Notes and Bibliography system: Consult this publication for rules governing references and citations as well as other elements of grammar and style.

We do not accept simultaneous submissions or previously published articles (in any form). A submission may, however, have been presented at a meeting or conference. In such cases, the author should state such in a footnote at the beginning of the paper. By submitting your manuscript, you are confirming that it is not currently under consideration with another publishing outlet and that it has not been published before.

Submission Process: When manuscript is ready for submission, upload one copy to the appropriate category in PTIHE's Submittable at

 Editorial Procedure: Unlike regular articles, responses and book reviews will not encompass a full double-blind review. The review will be conducted by the Responses and Review Editor in consultation with Executive Editor. If the manuscript fails to fall within the scope and stylistic guidelines of the journal, it is returned to the authors. If a manuscript is in accord with the scope of the journal and meets submission guidelines, the editors make one of four decisions: accept; conditional accept, contingent upon revisions; revise and resubmit; or reject. In the case of conditional acceptance, the editors will specify necessary revisions in writing to the author. When revisions are completed and the editors accept a manuscript, the editors will then notify and inform the author(s) about the next steps in the publication process.

A Note about Essay Reviews: The Editors will not accept reviews that merely provide a summary of a book. An essay review places the work in the broader context of its field and provides an indication of the significance of the work; it provides an analysis of the book's strengths and weaknesses generally as well as the strength and weaknesses of the main argument(s). 

PTHE seeks submissions in line with the general purpose and mission of the journal to extend conversations on the importance of philosophy, critical social theory, and the philosophical method in the study of higher education. 

Preparation for Submission

Technical and Stylistic Requirements: For the editorial process to begin, all submissions must meet the following requirements:

1. Typed copy: Submit typed, double-spaced copy with numbered pages, using one inch margins on all sides.
2. Article Length: Articles generally should not exceed 7,500 words, including charts and tables (built in MS Word or Pages), references, and footnotes. The inclusion of charts, tables, and images should be avoided unless they substantively add to the content or clarity.
3. Title Page: On the title page, indicate the following--title of paper; full name(s) of author(s), author titles and institutional affiliations, postal addresses, phone numbers, fax numbers, and email addresses; brief acknowledgement of the contribution of colleagues or students, if warranted; and date of submission. Please indicate the main corresponding author we can be in touch with about your submission.
4. Abstract: In 150 words or fewer, summarize the purpose, approach, and conclusions of the paper in an abstract immediately following the title page. Include the full title of the paper on this page, but no authors.
5. Text: Repeat a shortened version of the title of the manuscript (a running header) at the top of each page of your submission text. The submission should be prepared for blind-review. The name of the author(s) must not appear on any page and authors should blind all self-references.
6. Stylistic Requirements: Manuscripts submitted to PTIHE must be grammatically correct and stylistically consistent. PTIHE uses the Chicago Manual of Style, sixteenth edition, specifically Chicago Notes and Bibliography system: Consult this publication for rules governing references and citations as well as other elements of grammar and style. 

We do not accept simultaneous submissions or previously published articles (in any form). A submission may, however, have been presented at a meeting or conference. In such cases, the author should state such in a footnote at the beginning of the paper. By submitting your manuscript, you are confirming that it is not currently under consideration with another publishing outlet and that it has not been published before.

Submission Process: When manuscript is ready for submission, upload one copy to the appropriate category in PTIHE's Submittable at

Editorial Procedure: PTHE editorial staff initially reviews all manuscript submissions for compliance with editorial policy. If the manuscript fails to fall within the scope and stylistic guidelines of the journal, it is returned to the authors as a "desk reject." If a manuscript is in accord with the scope of the journal and meets submission guidelines, it is then subject to double blind review. All references to the author's name and institution are removed from the manuscript, and it is sent to two reviewers. Typically, the reviewers are members of the PTHE Editorial Board. However, in many cases, the Executive Editor also seeks out other qualified experts. Drawing on the two external reviews and recommendations, the Executive Editor makes one of four decisions: accept; conditional accept, contingent upon revisions; revise and resubmit; or reject. In the cases of conditional acceptance or revise and resubmit, the Editor will specify necessary revisions in writing to the author. When revisions are completed to the satisfaction of the Executive Editor, the author(s) will be informed about next steps in the publication process. The Executive Editor reserves the right to send any revised manuscript out for a second external, blind review. 

Philosophy and Theory in Higher Education